About Ranking

This classification is part of the World Ranking of WAWWJ (World Association of Journalists and Writers of Wines, Liquors and others).

The EVOO World Ranking has been created to promote the most awarded EVOO worldwide in the world, towards the consumers. It awards the EVOO, which have participated in the world in some of the 30 contests held during the year 2017 that the EVOOWR considers. Classifications of books or magazines that are not International Competitions are not included. Every year the list of those who are facing is published.

See detail in Methodology

The competitions are classified by continent and country, where the Mario Solinas from COI, is the most important. Also rotated by continent (or sub area of the world) and number of samples and participating countries.

The EVOOs are awarded with the "EVOO of the Year" and only the EVOOs that exceed the 160 points reach this award.
See detail in Methodology

This allows us to know which EVOOs are the most awarded in the world, also the societies, the best by variety or type, and what area of the world they are from. Five years ago this World Ranking was published to communicate to the consumer the quality of THE MOST AWARDED EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OILS IN THE WORLD, but it was made more than ten years ago based on the ranking system WRW & S (World Ranking Wine & Spirit) created in the year 1997 by the WAWWJ (World Association of Journalists of Wine and the Spirit).


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